Self-Paced Course

Speedup 2020

Speed-Up Speedily available ionic Calcium gel


  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

    • What is the source of ionic calcium?

    Calcium Chloride

    • Why not add phosphorus in Speed Up?

    Not required for Ionic Calcium absorption since Ionic calcium gets absorbed rapidly in Rumen within 15-20 minutes. For Phosphorous acute deficiency, Injection can be given

    • Why we shouldn’t recommend Speed-up after every parturition?

    In fact, every high yielding animal (>10 litres) needs both Calcium & Energy supplement after Calving (SPEED-UP + GLUCABOOST, both are required)

    • Why not mention the composition on the product presentation?

    We already have mentioned and moreover it is a feed supplement, we need not mention the exact composition    

    • Mentioned usage for Speed-up is 4 hrs after IV, what about before IV?

    Can be given but animal should be able to stand & swallow. IV is not recommended after Speed-up.

    • After use of one bottle of Speed Up, is there any need to treat animal with IV infusion?

    No, if animal has become normal, not required

    • Is there any need of Vitamin-D3 to absorb Ionic Calcium?

    Not required for Ionic Calcium

    • How many times the Speed up needs to be given in calcium deficiency cases?

    One bottle of 800g or two bootles of 440g after 12hts gap is enough but if required can be repeated after a week or 10 days

    • How much time is required for absorption of Ionic Calcium?

    15 to 20 minutes

    • In high temperature condition, can we recommend Speed-up?

    Not recommended

    • In other disease condition, if the animal requires calcium can we recommend Speed up?

    Yes, but not in acidosis conditions


    • How many days after Speed-up administration animal will be completely normal?

    Within 4 to 5 days

    • After 2-3 months of calving, there is drop in milk production because of calcium deficiency, can we recommend Speed-up to dairy farmer?

    Can be recommended

    • Can we recommend in Sheep & Goat & What will be the dose?

    Not recommended as Calcium deficiency is not a big problem in Sheep & Goat

    • If second dose required, then how many days interval needs?

    After 12 hours gap